How to use the PEGS manual

Interactive vs. Hard Copy

The PEGS manual is designed for use as an online, interactive, living electronic document. It is not designed to be printed, or extracted to a local file in formats such as Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word. The living electronic nature of the PEGS manual allows for updates and corrections to be made in only one place and instantly deployed, thus preventing the existence of out-of-date saved or printed copies. The PEGS manual, therefore, will always be the “latest and greatest” version of MDOT-MAA’s design standards.



It is expected that there may be an occasional need to print individual pages of the PEGS manual for use in situations where online access is not available, such as field use in areas with no cellular or Wi-Fi coverage. To facilitate this occasional printing, a Print button has been included in the standard menu bar (see Print Button, below). The PEGS manual Print button must be used to print pages. Using a web browser’s Print button, Print Preview button, or pressing Ctrl+P, will result in incomplete pages.


Screen layout

The PEGS manual’s screen consists of several main components: the button bar, the left pane, and the Content pane. These components can appear in one of three pre-configured layouts. The PEGS manual automatically selects one of the three layouts based on the size of the user’s browser window:

·       PC Layout - A two-pane layout (shown above) with a button bar at the top, a Table of Contents/Index/Glossary pane on the left, and a Content pane on the right

·       Tablet Layout - A single-pane layout with a button bar on the left and a Content pane on the right

·       Phone Layout – A single-pane layout with a button bar at the bottom and a Content pane above


On devices with resizable browser windows, the PEGS manual will switch layouts automatically when the window reaches the minimum or maximum size for each layout.


PEGS Screen (PC Layout)

PEGS Screen (Tablet layout)

PEGS Screen (Phone layout)


Button Bar

The button bar contains the controls needed to navigate the PEGS manual and find content within it. Depending on the layout, the button bar will appear at either the top, left, or bottom edge of the screen.


Table of Contents (ToC) button

The ToC button causes the PEGS manual’s Table of Contents to appear. In PC layout, the ToC will appear in the left-hand pane; in Tablet or Phone layout, the ToC will appear in the Content pane.


The Table of Contents is an expandable tree. Chapter titles expand when clicked to reveal all of the subsections contained within the chapter. Clicking a subsection title brings the subsection into the Content pane. After expanding multiple chapters, the user may find the length of the ToC to be cumbersome. In this event, chapters may be returned to their collapsed state by clicking their titles a second time.


Index button

The Index button causes the PEGS manual’s Index to appear. In PC layout, the Index will appear in the left-hand pane; in Tablet or Phone layout, the Index will appear in the Content pane. Each of the common terms, acronyms, and abbreviations in the Index can be clicked to display a clickable menu of all locations where the term appears in the PEGS manual. Clicking one of these menu items will cause the corresponding chapter or section to appear in the Content pane. If no menu item is selected, the user may choose to return to the ToC by clicking the ToC button; switch to the Glossary by clicking the Glossary button; or use their web browser’s Back button to return to the previous page.


Glossary button

The Glossary button causes the PEGS manual’s Glossary to appear. In PC layout, the Glossary will appear in the left hand pane; in Tablet or Phone layout, the Glossary will appear in the Content pane. Each of the common terms, acronyms, and abbreviations in the Glossary can be clicked to display an expansion or definition of the term. The user may return to the ToC after a definition is checked by clicking the ToC button; switch to the Index by clicking the Index button; or use their web browser’s Back button to return to the previous page.


Home button (PC Layout only)

The Home button causes the Content pane to return to the PEGS manual Home page, and the ToC to return to its top entry. The Home button is only visible in PC Layout; in the other layouts, the user may click the Home entry at the top of the ToC to return to the Home screen.


Print button (PC Layout only)

The Print button sends the page currently displayed in the Content pane to the user’s default printer. Like the Home button, the Print button is visible only in the PC Layout. Printing is not available in Tablet or Phone layouts.


Search box (PC Layout only)


The PEGS manual includes a keyword Search capability, enabling the user to search for specified keywords and/or phrases. In PC Layout, the Search capability is accessed by entering user-specified keywords or phrases directly into the Search box. In Tablet and Phone layouts, the Search box is replaced by a Search button; clicking the Search button displays a Search box in the Content pane. Once keywords and/or phrases are entered into the Search box, the search is activated the search by pressing Enter on the keyboard, or by clicking the magnifying glass symbol on the right side of the Search box.


Search terms may include multiple individual words, such as pavement and markings, or whole phrases, such as “pavement markings”. Phrases must be surrounded by double quotes, or else the words which make up the phrase will be treated as separate individual words, and the search return will be less exact. In the preceding example, searching for pavement markings without the quotes will return any pages in the PEGS manual which contain both words, but not necessarily together, or in any specific order. Searching for the phrase “pavement markings” with the quotes included, however, only return those pages which include the entire phrase, in order. Search terms are automatically highlighted on the returned pages.


Navigating within the PEGS manual

The PEGS manual is composed in HTML format, much like any conventional web site. It is accessed through a web browser application, and can be accessed on most web-capable devices, such as PCs, laptops, tablets, and phones.


Navigating among the chapters and sections of the PEGS manual is accomplished by three primary methods:

·       By clicking in the Table of Contents (see Table of Contents (ToC) button above)

·       By clicking a link within the body of the document

·       By clicking the Back and Forward navigation buttons on the user’s web browser

·       By saving the PEGS manual in a web browser’s Favorites or Bookmarks


Within the body of the PEGS manual are numerous clickable hyperlinks. Hyperlinks fall into three categories:

·       External links, which point to web sites outside of the PEGS manual containing information such as government or industry references, standards, and codes. An external link will open in a new browser tab or window when clicked, leaving the PEGS manual window on its current page.

·       Internal links, which point to other locations within the PEGS manual itself, such as related chapters, or the various Appendices. An internal link will cause the referenced chapter or section to display in the Content pane.

·       File links, which point to downloadable files such as forms, specifications, or example drawings. File links will cause the user’s web browser to either automatically save a file to a pre-determined location, or open a dialog box asking the user to specify a save location for the downloaded file (this choice is set in the browser’s preferences by the user).