1.1         Security at BWI Marshall Airport

Construction projects at BWI Marshall that require work in the following locations shall include the standard Specification 010005X_Security Requirements During Construction at BWI, unless otherwise noted.

A.      Within the Security Identification Display Area (SIDA)

B.      Inside the terminal building

C.      Within 300 feet from the face of the terminal building

D.      Within 10 feet of the security fence.


Specification 010005X shall be included in its entirety. Consultants shall edit/tailor the “Project Specific Requirements” and the “Method of Measurement” sections of the specification to comply with each project’s security requirements. This specification has been reviewed and approved by the Office of Airport Security (OAS) and shall not be modified, except where noted, unless approved by the OAS.


1.1.1            Security Plan

For projects at BWI Marshall meeting the criteria state above, a Security Bid Plan (SBP) with notes shall be prepared as a standard drawing with notes as part of the Contract documents and shall include the following:

A.      Project specific security requirements coordinated in detail with Project Phasing.

B.      Project Phases and the duration of each phase.

C.      Provision of an internal secure perimeter system where possible. Any materials required to establish the perimeter shall be detailed on the SBP and specified in Specification 010005X to ensure there is no confusion of pay items with Temporary Construction Items.

D.      Guard locations.

E.       Access points/SIDA entrance/security guard locations. The consultant shall make note of anticipated processing times at access points, if any inspections should be anticipated, etc. The consultant shall make note that the Contractor shall consider the processing time when computing his bid price for this item.

F.       Delivery Routes

G.      Identification of worksites and definition of geographical work areas.

H.      Locations/phases where an escort from MDOT MAA Operations is required.

I.         Any other job specific security items.

J.        Signature Block on each sheet to be signed by the Director of Airport Security.


The OAS shall review and approve all Security Bid Plans during design. If a changed security condition is proposed (i.e. security fence relocation), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires a forty-five (45) calendar day review period of the SBP. Consider that more than one submittal may be required when scheduling the submittal.


Upon approval of the SBP by all parties, a meeting shall be set up with the OAS to obtain final signatures on the SBP to become part of the contract documents.