1.6         Additional Permits and Authorizations

1.6.1            Tenant Information Advisory

A BWI Marshall Tenant Information Advisory (TIA) will convey information affecting tenants located at BWI Marshall for a limited duration. The applicant shall submit a TIA form to the MDOT MAA Office of Airport Operations. The TIA should be written clearly and concisely and shall state the following:

A.      Timeframe: days and hours of the work;

B.      Who will be affected and how;

C.      Location of the work; and

D.      Scope of the project and the necessity.


TIAs shall be submitted at least ten (10) business days in advance to Patricia Koehnlein, Office of Airport Operations at pkoehnlein@bwiairport.com for processing with a copy to Ben Martinez, Office of Airport Operations, at bmartinez@bwiairport.com.


1.6.2            Airport Zoning Permit

The purpose of the Airport Zoning Permit (AZP) is to identify land uses, obstructions, and wildlife attractants that are incompatible with Airport Operations. The AZP application shall be submitted for projects within a Certified Noise Zone and/or Airport Zoning District (the area defined by a four-mile radius of BWI Marshall or a three-mile radius of MTN). For any construction or modification that will increase the height, change the use, or alter the exterior finish of an existing structure, or create a new structure, the Applicant shall obtain an Airport Zoning Permit. Refer to Volume 5, Section 2.3 – Zoning Permits.


In addition, applicants may be required to file a Notice of Construction or Alteration (FAA Form 7460-1) requesting that the FAA perform an obstruction evaluation. This evaluation process typically takes approximately 60 days. If the proposed project is not identified on the FAA approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP) then a revision to the ALP is necessary. No construction may proceed until the FAA approval has been received. The ALP approval process can take from four (4) months to two (2) years, depending upon the nature of the project.


Permit issuance does not relieve the applicant from responsibility for proper design and construction of the project. Forms are available and applications are coordinated through MDOT MAA Office of Planning.


1.6.3            Hot Work and Welding Permit

A Welding and Burning Permit is required for any work that involves welding, cutting or any task that would deplete oxygen, create toxic fumes and vapors, or create the potential for fire or explosion. This permit can be obtained from the BWI Marshall Fire and Rescue Department which can be reached at 410-859-7511. At Martin State Airport (MTN), the Hot Work Permit can be obtained from the Airport Operations Office in the MTN Terminal, at 410-682-8831.


1.6.4            Confined Space Authorization

Confined Space is defined as a space that (a) is large enough and so configured that an employee can enter and perform assigned work; (b) has limited or restricted means for entry or exit; and (c) is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.


There are two types of Confined Spaces:

A.      Non-Permit Confined Space: A Confined Space that does not contain or have the potential to contain any hazard capable of causing death or serious physical harm.

B.      Permit Required Confined Space: A Confined Space that has one or more of the following characteristics:

1.       Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere;

2.       Contains a material that has the potential for entrapping, engulfing, or suffocating an entrant;

3.       Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by floor which slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section; and

4.       Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.


For Permit Required Confined Spaces, the Applicant should submit the completed Confined Space Entry forms to:


Maryland Aviation Administration

Office of Safety, Training & Risk Management

Kauffman Building

1500 Amtrak Way

Linthicum, MD 21090


1.6.5            Trenching and Excavation Authorization

Before any trenching and excavation work can proceed, the Contractor shall obtain a Utility Modification/Digging Authorization. This part of the approval process is coordinated through the Permits Section inspection office at (410) 859-7524.


The Contractor is responsible for and required to use an independent underground utility locating service to locate all utilities within the impacted area(s). The underground utility locating service shall provide certification that it has located all utilities in the impacted area(s). The Tenant and its Contractor shall not begin or make any excavation without first notifying the MDOT MAA and every public service company which may have underground facilities in the area(s) of the proposed work at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the commencement of such work. In Baltimore and Anne Arundel Counties, the Contractor shall notify the public service companies of work intentions by calling MISS UTILITY at 1-800-257-7777.


The Tenant and any Contractor are to protect and maintain service for all the existing water and sewer lines, telephone lines, gas lines, electrical lines, etc. during the progress of the work. The Tenant and any Contractor shall be fully responsible for any and all damages to underground and aboveground utilities and facilities resulting from the installation and maintenance. The Tenant and his/her Contractor shall have available on-call sufficient specialty Contractors, such as electrical, plumbing, etc., to repair any damage to existing facilities that might occur as a result of construction operations regardless of when the damage might occur.


1.6.6            Other Agency Approval: Permanent Food Service License and Change of Ownership, Anne Arundel County Department of Health (AACDH)

The Anne Arundel County Department of Health is responsible for licensing and inspecting all facilities at BWI Marshall that prepare food for the public. The applicant shall obtain a Food Service Facility License from the County before the permit can be issued for such projects.


For additional information, please contact Anne Arundel County Department of Health at: https://www.aahealth.org/food/ or


Anne Arundel County Department of Health

3 Harry S. Truman Parkway

Annapolis, MD 21401

Phone: 410-222-7095


1.6.7            Other Agency Approval: Liquor License, Anne Arundel County Liquor Board

For all projects that involve selling of alcoholic beverages at BWI Marshall, the applicant shall obtain a Liquor License from the Anne Arundel County Liquor Board.


The Board has several classes or types of licenses, the information about which can be obtained by contacting:


Board of License Commissioners for Anne Arundel County

Heritage Complex Building

2660 Riva Road, #360

Annapolis, MD 21401



Or visit: http://www.aacounty.org/boards-and-commissions/board-of-license-commissioners/index.html


1.6.8            Other Agency Approval: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Projects that may impact runways and taxiways require the following approvals prior to permit issuance:

A.      Appropriate FAA environmental review for the proposed project including Tenant Certification.

B.      State Clearinghouse Review/Approval of FAA’s environmental finding/determination.

C.      Other State and federal permits as appropriate (e.g., wetlands, stormwater management, sediment and erosion control, air quality, etc.)


At the earliest possible point in the project, FAA environmental review and all applicable approvals, shall be obtained and submitted in duplicate (2 copies) to:


Director, Office of Environmental Services

Maryland Aviation Administration

P.O. Box 8766

BWI Marshall Airport, Maryland 21240-0766


An accompanying transmittal letter shall include the project description, site location (map), whether the site is located on State property, whether any State or federal funding is associated with the project, and the project schedule along with all completed environmental forms and documented approvals to the MDOT MAA Director, Office of Environmental Services. Upon completion of the review, the final submission will be forwarded to the FAA and Maryland State Clearinghouse for review and approval. This process may take from sixty (60) to one hundred-twenty (120) days to complete.


1.6.9            Other Agency Approval: Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE)

The applicant is required to obtain additional permits from Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), coordinated through the Permits Section, for projects that impact air and radiation management, waste management, and water management. Some projects may require additional approvals, permits, and operating plans to operate a facility once it has been constructed. Typical activities that would require permits include but are not limited to the following:

A.      Air pollution sources that generally require State permits to construct: coating and painting operations, asphalt refurbishing, spray paint booth operations, fuel-burning equipment and the use of chemical processing equipment.

B.      Air pollution sources that generally require State permits to operate: crushing equipment, VOC storage tanks, galvanizing operations, wood digesters, and pulverized material separators.

C.      Permits that include petroleum storage and handling typically require oil operations permits. If total above ground storage is greater than 1,320 gallons or underground storage is greater than 42,000 gallons then the applicant shall submit a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan prior to the facility becoming operational. Appropriate secondary containment structures will be required for above ground storage tanks.

D.      Work involving construction, removal or abandonment of underground storage tanks.

E.       Work involving the installation or abandonment of drinking water wells or environmental monitoring wells.

F.       Sediment and Erosion Control and/or Stormwater Management Plan approval is required for any construction activity that disturbs 5,000 square feet or more of soil, or results in the excavation of 100 cubic yards or more of soil.


All contractors should review the Business Guide to Environmental Permits and Approvals that contain important information about the different types of permits, licenses and approvals issued by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). Additional information regarding MDE Activity, Site and Equipment approvals may be found at http://www.mde.state.md.us/Programs/Permits/Pages/index.aspx


Operating plans may be required including Facility Response Plans, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans. Final copies of these plans shall be presented to the MDOT MAA Environmental Compliance Section prior to startup of a new facility.