3.6        Construction Specifications

Technical Specifications shall be included in all construction contract documents prepared for the MDOT MAA. The Consultant should identify in writing to the MDOT MAA Project Manager inclusion of any special technical requirements in the contract specifications (i.e. pre-qualification for minimum years of experience, dollar value of past work, certifications, warranties, proprietary procurement, value engineering; etc.). MDOT MAA will approve the special requirements on a case-by-case basis.


3.6.1            Specification Format and Numbering

The MDOT MAA has adopted the American Institute of Architects (AIA) “MasterSpec®” building construction specifications system (MasterSpec), which incorporates the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) MasterFormat™ Numbers and Titles. All specifications shall follow the MasterSpec standard six-digit numbering system:



MasterSpec Numbering System


A Table of Contents of MasterSpec divisions is included in PEGS V1, Appendix 1G Standard Specifications, PEGS V2, Appendix 2D MAA Standard Specifications, PEGS V4, Appendix 4B MAA Standard Procedures, PEGS V6, Appendix 6B Standard Specifications, and PEGS V7, Appendix 7B MAA Standard Procedures. Where no existing MasterSpec division or section exists, Consultants shall use their best judgment to select a number to appropriately describe the item specified. All building contract specifications shall be developed using the current edition of MasterSpec.


Specifications shall generally implement the following format convention:






Sections not used shall note “Not Used” in the body of the section.


3.6.2            MDOT MAA Standard Specifications

MDOT MAA has developed several Standard Specifications to be utilized on relevant contracts, which are included in PEGS V1, Appendix 1G Standard Specifications, PEGS V2, Appendix 2D MAA Standard Specifications, PEGS V4, Appendix 4B MAA Standard Procedures, PEGS V6, Appendix 6B Standard Specifications, and PEGS V7, Appendix 7B MAA Standard Procedures. MDOT MAA Standard Specifications include an “X” following its specification number. These specifications contain “Notes to the Consultant” shown in shaded boxes, instructing the Consultant to modify sections of the specification as necessary to suit the individual project. These notes and boxes shall be deleted once the note is addressed.


MDOT MAA standard procedural specifications are included as part of Division 01. Other MasterSpec Division 01 requirements must be closely coordinated with the MDOT MAA “Standard Provisions for Construction” and individual construction management requirements. Do not duplicate items in a Division 01 spec that are included in an MDOT MAA standard spec (i.e. Mobilization). MDOT MAA’s “Standard Provisions for Construction” address many of the MasterSpec Division 01 requirements and will take precedence. Additional Division 01 items shall only be used to supplement and enhance the MDOT MAA “Standard Provisions for Construction Contracts.”


A.     MDOT MAA Division 01 specifications include the following which must be used on all MDOT MAA projects:

010001X Mobilization/Demobilization

010002X Construction Quality Control (CQC)

010004X Temporary Construction Items

010011X Miscellaneous Construction Allowance

010013X Asset Management Requirements for Non-BIM Projects

017419X Construction Debris Management and Disposal


B.     MDOT MAA Division 01 specification include the following which shall be used based on the project requirements:

010003X Maintenance, Repair and Operating Items (MROI) – Refer to PEGS V2, Chapter 4.5 Maintenance Repair and Operating Items (MROI).

010005X Security Requirements During Construction at BWI – Refer to PEGS V7, Chapter 1.1 Security at BWI Marshall Airport.

010006X Security Requirements During Construction at MTN – Refer to PEGS V7, Chapter 1.2 Security at Martin State Airport.

010007X Sensitive Security Information (SSI) System Requirements During Construction – Refer to PEGS V7, Chapter 1.3 Sensitive Security Information.

010008X Management of Universal Wastes – Refer to PEGS V4, Chapter Management of Universal Wastes.

010009X Management of Radioactive Wastes – Refer to PEGS V4, Chapter Management of Radioactive Wastes.

010010X Survey Requirements During Construction (AGIS)

010012X Building Information Modeling (BIM) Use During Construction – Refer to PEGS V1, Chapter 5 BIM Standards

017823X_Operation and Maintenance Data


3.6.3            MDOT MAA Special Product/Sole Source Requirements

The MDOT MAA has developed specifications for several construction products for which special requirements and/or sole source procurement are required. On projects utilizing one or more of these products, the Consultant shall include the referenced specification(s) from PEGS V1, Appendix 1G Standard Specifications, PEGS V2, Appendix 2D MAA Standard Specifications, PEGS V4, Appendix 4B MAA Standard Procedures, PEGS V6, Appendix 6B Standard Specifications, and PEGS V7, Appendix 7B MAA Standard Procedures in the Contract documents. For certain products, MDOT MAA has provided only a partial spec (i.e. Part 2 – Products only). Consultant shall insert the provided specification language into the referenced specifications section and complete the specification with information applicable to the project.


A list of products with MDOT MAA special requirements and their referenced specifications sections are included in the list below. Note that additional product requirements may exist for each project, and the Consultant shall coordinate with the MDOT MAA Project Manager to obtain those requirements to include in the project’s Technical Specifications.


MDOT MAA Special Product Requirements

1.      Door Hardware (Section 087100)

2.      Building Automation Systems (BAS) (Section 230900)

3.      Air Flow Monitoring System (in Meters and Gauges, Section 230519)

4.      Flow Meters (in Meters and Gauges, Section 230519)

5.      Power Monitors for Low Voltage Switchgear (Section 262300)

6.      Panelboards (Section 262416)

7.      Variable Frequency Drives (Section 262923)

8.      Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) System (Section 282300)

9.      Controlled Access Security System (CASS) (Section 280708)

10.   Fire Alarm System (Section 283111)

11.   Landscaping (Section 329000X)

12.   Topsoil (Section 329115X)

13.   Plant Installation (Section 329300X)

14.   Seeding (Section 329201X)

15.   Sodding (Section 329202X)

16.   Mulching (Section 329203X)

17.   Natural Gas Distribution (Section 335103X)

18.   Passenger Boarding Bridges (Section 347713X)

19.   Underground Storage Tanks (UST) (Section 231313)

20.   Above Ground Storage Tanks (Section 231323)


3.6.4            FAA Specifications for Airfield

The Consultant shall use the applicable FAA specifications for items located on the airfield which are subject to FAA review. These specifications can be found in the FAA AC 150/5370-10H – Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports. Note that several FAA specifications have been modified for MDOT MAA use, and are contained in the MDOT MAA Standard Specifications in PEGS V2, Appendix 2D Standard Specifications.


FAA Specifications shall be listed under “Division 50: FAA Specifications” in the Specifications Table of Contents. Each specification shall retain its FAA specification number for ease of FAA project review.



Division 50: FAA Specifications

L-109 Modifications and Additions to Airfield Lighting System

P-401    Plant Mix Bituminous Pavements


3.6.5            Landside Site Work Specifications

MDOT MAA has adopted the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials for non-airfield roadway and landside site construction. The applicable SHA specification number may be referenced in “Part 3 – Execution” of the technical specifications for landside site work items, noting any modifications to the specifications necessary for the specific project. SHA specifications used on a contract shall be numbered using the six-digit convention below for continuity with the remaining project specifications using MasterSpec format.


Division 51: SHA Specifications



Example: 510508 for SHA Specification 508, Milling Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement


The current SHA Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials can be found on the SHA website, (http://www.roads.maryland.gov), or hard copies may be purchased by contacting:

Maryland State Highway Administration, Cashier Office

211 E. Madison Street

Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Telephone: 410-545-8490


MDOT MAA Standard Provisions (SP) will be used in lieu of the SHA’s General Provisions (GP) and Terms and Conditions (TC) provided in this document.


SHA Section 700 – Landscaping and Section 920 – Landscaping Materials are not to be used. Landscaping and Landscaping Materials for MDOT MAA construction projects are included in Volume 4, Appendix 4B - Standard Specifications under Division 23, Exterior Improvements.


3.6.6            Miscellaneous Specification Requirements

A.     All contract milestones shall be specified in calendar days from NTP. If specifying specific dates it must be approved by the MDOT MAA Project Manager in advance.

B.     All incentives must be approved by the MDOT MAA Project Manager in advance.

C.      Sole source and proprietary items, other than those specified by the MDOT MAA standard specifications and special product requirements contained in PEGS V1, Appendix 1G Standard Specifications, PEGS V2, Appendix 2D MAA Standard Specifications, PEGS V4, Appendix 4B MAA Standard Procedures, PEGS V6, Appendix 6B Standard Specifications, and PEGS V7, Appendix 7B MAA Standard Procedures, must be approved by the MDOT MAA Project Manager in advance.

D.     Performance specifications which require the contractor to design/build shall be identified and brought to the attention of the MDOT MAA Project Manager in advance. The consultant should provide justification for using this method.

E.      Specifications which require pre-qualification of contractors and suppliers (i.e. the number of years providing specific products or services, previous project experience etc.), should be identified and brought to the attention of the MDOT MAA Project Manager in advance. The consultant should provide justification for pre-qualification requirements.

F.      Specifications which have specific warranty/maintenance requirements beyond the MDOT MAA standard of one year shall be identified. The consultant should provide justification for extended/additional warranty maintenance requirements and brought to the attention of the MDOT MAA Project Manager in advance.